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Friday 25 March 2016

Being the parent of a 19 and 16 year old poses its own challenges, and this past week has been no exception. Both my kids are now independent young people and hearing that I should allow them to sometimes do their own thing and allow them to fail, because this is how they will learn to take responsibility, reminded me that my children are adults in training. They are creating their own identity and developing their own personality.
This made me realize that one of the greatest challenges lie in the ability to know when to make decisions for our children and when to stand back and allow them to choose.
Michael Grose in: Raising 21st Century Kids. Helping children make smart decisions, distinguishes three areas of decision-making for parents and children:
  • Parents Rule: these are decisions where there is no negotiation,
  • Working things out together: these are areas where you and your child negotiate outcomes and
  • Kids Decide: giving your children full authority in some areas.
These rules can act as a guide and should reflect the values of the family and take into consideration the age of the child.
Our children should  be reminded that all decisions have consequences – whether positive or negative.

They can use the following three questions to help them assess consequences of a decisions:
           Is this behaviour safe for me?
          Is this behaviour fair to others?
          Is this behaviour smart and in my long-term best interests?
Hopefully we will allow ourselves to grow with our children by allowing them to develop their own personalities in a loving, nurturing environment.
Remember that the power of YET Parenting lies in the knowing that our children are growing up to be the best they can be, with us by their side.